Chapter I
English language is the important language in the world for
international communication. In Indonesia, English must be learned at
schools as the first foreign language. For most student it is nor easy
to learn English. They must pay attention in order to master it.
are four language skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. One
of four skills that are used frequently beside the speaking skill is
writing. Writing is a kind of expression media and a means of
communication. That is why writing is very essential to be learned by
student to make good relationship with other people.
There are many
kinds of writing activity that we can write, for example final paper,
research paper, poetry, short or long story, passage or short massage.
Thus, writing a recount.
In this paper, the writer chooses the topic
“teaching writing recount through daily activity”. It can help the
student to develop their writing. Teaching recount through daily
activity not to difficult because writing recount is happen in student
activity. Furthermore, writing recount requires considerable ability to
examine their own thinking for flaws based on their experiences. The
students take the opinion of the teacher as guides in learning to think
critically about their own words.
Chapter II
Theoretical Background
A. Writing Ability
is often interpreted as an instrument of communication. People need it
to interact and to communicate each other because they are social human
beings. The people need the other person to help in any condition and
situation, to share thought, idea, concept and feeling, to extend
massage, to explain anything and problem, to invite the other to do or
don’t do something and so on. In this case, language relates someone’s
massage and feeling to other people. They communicate using two main
ways: spoken language or writing language.
1. Definition of Writing
seems to parallel skill like bicycling in a number of ways. We are
supposed to learn basic writing skill at the beginning of our college
careers that we can use in our later work, much as we learn basic
bicycling skill before we attempt to enter race.
2. The Purpose of Writing
are four purpose why people write: the first purpose in writing is “to
inform” anything such as fact, data, event, suggestion and so on. By
those are hopped that reader gets new knowledge and competency about all
in this word. The second is “to persuade” the reader. By writing, a
writer hopes that reader can establish his/her attitude whether he/she
agrees or support the writer’s persuasion. The third is “to educate” the
reader. To educate is one of purpose in writing because by writing,
someone knowledge will be added. Finally is “to entertain” the reader.
There are many writing which can entertain someone when he/she reads
them, such as: anecdote, short story, and funny experience.
B. Recount
tells the reader what happened. Recount retells events for the purpose
of informing or entertaining. They retell a past event Recounts begin by
telling the reader who was involved, what happened, where this event
took place and when it happened. This is called the orientation.
Generic structure:
Orientation : provides the setting and introduces participants.
Events : tell what happened, in what sequence.
Re-orientation : optional-closure of event.
Significant lexicogrammatical features:
Focus on specific participants
Use of material processes
Circumstances of time and place
Focus on temporal sequence
Example of writing recount:
Recreation to the Zoo
Sunday, my family and I went to Ragunan zoo. It is just out side our
town. When we got there, we parked our car. We walked toward the
entrance gate and paid the entrance fee. Since it was so crowded, we had
to stand in a long queue. Then, we continued our walk toward the animal
cages. There are some beautiful tigers and big lions. They are fierce
animals, so they are put in strong cages.
After that, we walked to
other cages. There we saw some other animals, such as a horned
rhinoceros, giraffes, and tapirs. We also saw tame animals like birds,
deer, etc. finally, we had a rest and our meals on a mat under a big
tree. We could feel the fresh air. We left Ragunan at 5 pm. We were
tired, but we were really happy.
Chapter III
Finding Data
Teaching Writing Recount through Daily Activity
1. Preparation/ Pre-Writing
preparing for writing, writer gave some topics before teaching and
learning process. Then the writer gave the explanation about topics, and
determined the appropriate from of writing or composition according the
topic. Each story contain a topic sentence that idea is usually stated,
in general from tells to expect in the story. As Mr. Joy, Mr. Red in
his book “ the process in composition” stated: some topics are too broad
to be covered in simple essay” story this topic need to be narrowed as
you begin to narrow your topic decided what method of developing you
could use to present your topic to your audience (1982:43).
2. Whilst-Writing
the topic is determined the teacher read the topic, and the student
followed him, in this stage, the writer just want to know their
pronunciation. After reading, the writer asked to the student to make
some sentences from the key words, when the students finished making
sentences, the writer prepared the key sentences and he wanted the
student to make the key sentences into the story.
By the step above,
the writer wished that the student could remember the words and the
sentences given by the writer especially in using structure until to
become a story.
In teaching writing recount through daily
activity, many kinds of ways how to write recount based on our daily
activity, such as by diary studies and journals. Journals and diary
studies are becoming increasingly popular as tools for gathering
information about teaching and learning. While it may be distinguish
between them, diary studies and journal interchangeably.
• Diary studies
(1989) said that “a first-person account of a language learning or
teaching experience documented through regular, candid entries in a
personal journal and then analysed for recurring pattern or salient
From the definition, we know that diaries can be employed to
monitor either the learning process or the teaching process or both.
Diaries kept by learners about their learning experiences can provide
information and insight into language learning which is unlikely to be
obtained by other means. This can be seen in the following case study of
a second-language.
• Journals
Francis A. Hubbard said: “Journals
can be used simply as storage for free writing, and they have powerful
effect when used this way. They have some other effects, too, because
they allow for reflection and analysis. Journals can be tailored to suit
you, and they should be, because the benefits come from activities that
make sense you. Journals have powerful effect in personal context, as
1) If you have two classes on related themes, write in the journal about the connection and overlaps you notice.
2) As you take notes on some reading for a class, use only the left-hand pages for the actual notes.
If you know what the topic of a future teacher is, prepare a mini
teacher on the topic yourself from source not presented in the class.”
you had a successful learning experience through a journal activity,
you have some information about how writing can help you learn.
There are more opinion about teaching writing recount in learning process,are:
Louis said, “there are some people that, if they don’t know, you cann’t
tell “em”. For one thing, the direct benefits are not the same for
everyone; different people find that writing does different things for
them. In addition, the benefits are almost impossible to understand oe
believe until you have experienced them, so Louis is right again: until
you know, no one can tell you why writing will by important to you and
in what ways.
The most we can do in writing class is to help the
student find out and experience what writing can do for you. Then once
discover what you will use writing for, you will learn techniques and
strategies much more easily beacuse they won’t seem arbitrary. They will
connect directly to what you really want to do.
A best-selling book
provides an example what talking about. Every year in this country more
than five million blank journals and diaries are sold. Many people has
discovered, entirely on their own, that keeping a diary or journal lets
them watch themself as they live their lives and gives them the chance
to live more fully, regardless of how they actually keep the diary and
make entries in it.
We know from recent research that people improve
their writing more easily and more quickly when they are learning for
internal reason, for their own purposes and for immediate benefit.
also show that learn by doing. It is especially true of writing,
apparently, that lots of talk about writing isn’t as much help as little
actual doing of it, in situations as realistics as as possible.
on the opinion and experience of Isnani Rakhmawati is the genre used by
the writer to teach writing skill to the students was recount genre.
While the type of writing performance used by the writer was guided
writing. The writer used four steps in teaching recount genre. First,
the writer only asked the students to make a simple recount text based
on a topic. Second, the writer gave some pictures and asked the students
to make the recount text based on the pictures. Third, the writer give
also some pictures and certain vocabulary and asked the students to make
the text recount based on the pictures and the vocabulary. The last,
the writer gave some pictures, including a certain paragraph in
Indonesian language and jumbled sentences in English and asked the
students to compose them into a good paragraph. The best steps should be
just in opposite order. Most of the students got some difficulties such
as grammatical use, vocabulary use, punctuation use, and the influence
of Indonesian language. During the process, the writing skill of the
student especially in writing the recount genre improved. It was proven
by looking at the students’ writing in the end of the meeting.
Chapter IV
best way to teach writing recount through daily activity both diary
studies and journal are becoming increasingly popular about teaching and
learning. Because both them are really good to application writing
recount. But in our country is very little applicated this way. The
teachers considered that this ways to difficult for student. A key
assumption of particular kind of writing activity is that language use
will improve with awareness. As we speak and write, much of what happen
linguistically must be automatic. But all the parts, from generating
ideas to proof reading, seem to benefit from de-automating. The
activities to bring attention to the ways we get ideas, the ways we
reason, the ways we structure and arrange, and above all the ways
writing for us.
As the result many teacher in other country
application writing recount through daily activity as same as opinion of
Joe Louis. The activities, of course, do not need to be done in Toto.
Some can be left to student to read and think about. He has tried to
include a sufficient number so that no one activity is critical. And
even activities are written out; they may not always need a full-length
response. Sometimes a few minutes suffice to articulate the necessary
points. This is not true of the information-gathering activities which
send students out in all directions and then bring them back to compare
each has found.
To be consistent with his approach to writing, he
has written a textbook which cannot be followed exactly or step by step.
Instead, he has supplied materials and suggested experiences, out of
which readers can create their own courses from which students can
construct their own.
Chapter V
seems to parallel skill like bicycling in a number of ways. We are
supposed to learn basic writing skill at the beginning of our college
careers that we can use in our later work, much as we learn basic
bicycling skill before we attempt to enter race.
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