Monday, December 24, 2012

Cost of Living in the United States Increasingly Expensive - Cost of living in the United States rose a higher than forecast in July. Conditions that would make the leaders of the Federal Reserve (The Fed) Ben S. Bernanke, increasingly difficult to convince his colleagues to act quickly to boost economic growth.

Data released by the U.S. Commerce Department showed that U.S. consumer price index rose 0.5 percent from June. That figure is two-fold higher than the median of economists surveyed by Bloomberg by 0.2 percent. Meanwhile, the Philadelphia region's economic index data released by The Fed also dropped to minus 30.7 in August, the lowest since March 2009.

"Lots of negative data. Increasing evidence that the economy is heading towards a recession will push Bernanke to take immediate action before the end of the year," said John Herrmann, Senior Fixed Income Strategist, State Street Global Markets LLC in Boston.

However, continued Herrmann, rising cost of living data will limit the choice was. "Inflation data does not give The Fed ammunition to re-spawn unconventional monetary policy easing," he said.

In addition, a number of negative data center clung indeed the U.S. economy. Call it the stock market plunged and gold prices hit a record high.


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