Monday, December 24, 2012

Selecting Reading can assist student increasing their ability


Learning is a change process of knowledge, skill, values and behavior as the result of experience and training motivation. Principally learning acts are directed to achieve the objective education; this process is done through several medium, which make that change possible. Learning English language it is very important, especially English language constitute of international. Now days sophisticated because selecting reading more than use in the learning of English language. However, to achieve those objectives, every element that concerned in education process, directly or not, have to each other support one another. and also every tool which is used in education process a ways have to adjusted with the real need, until those tools are still suitable to be used in achieving the education objectives. In recent years, the needs for studying English get improved, this requirement along with the student objectives study English, namely, to obtain the work, to get the information. From these basic skills, according to the writer, reading skills is the important one in this era, because much information can be reached by reading, and most of information today is available in a text form. Learning is the most vitally key term in every act education.

Theoretical background.

Unfortunately not all reading is just for pleasure. When you are reading a textbook or manual, or report or other material that have to read for school or work, you may need to underline, take notes, and read some parts over again, in order to retain what you are reading. However, if you have developed the habit of reading for pleasure, you will find that the cognitive techniques you need will come naturally, and that you will understand a lot better than before. According to the reader response theory, the readers bring their interests, personal backgrounds, and prior experiences to the reading process. Research related to self-selection of reading materials shows that through this shift in power, learners take greater ownership in their learning process and their motivation to read increases. In this study, learner perceptions of such shift in decision-making power were examined among teacher education students.
It was found that this shift in power contributed to their professional development to become a more critical reader. One form of this decision-making power is to provide students the opportunity to select their own reading and learning materials. According to reader response theorists, the readers bring their interests, personal backgrounds, and prior experiences to the reading process. Based on the readers' purposes of reading, the reading strategies they employ may vary. Schema theorists also suggest that different readers have different prior experiences and knowledge and the readers' schemata will determine how the readers construct their understanding of the reading materials. Thus, in order to relate students with varied backgrounds to the reading materials and to motivate them to read and construct meaning, the students should have choices or are allowed to select their own reading materials. Research related to self-selection of reading materials, such as reading workshops where students read self-selected literature during sustained silent reading and later share what they read with their peers, showed that through this shift in power, students take greater ownership in their learning process and their motivation to read increases. From the problems dealing with English with reading text above, will try to make a research on reading teaching with the title: “Selecting Reading can assist student increasing their ability”.

a. The understanding of Reading

Therefore, learning language is not learning vocabulary and grammar as knowledge only, but to apply this knowledge in communication activities. One of the communication activities is reading books. Reading is a complex information process in which the readers interact with text in order to recreate a meaningful discourse. Reading is also one of the most supportive factors in English learning process. The understanding of reading is a process of making out the meaning of written language reading is an active process related to problem solving. Reading is a form of communication, information an ideas, which are exchanged between the writer and reader in the act of communicating. Too much new information in a story makes it difficult to read, regardless of the interest level; a passage that contains relatively little new information can be boring. Part of the effort to find a suitable interesting of reading passages, that the teacher attempt to discover if the passage will: Tell the students things they don’t already know, Introduce them to new and relevant ideas, make them think about things before they haven’t thought, Help them to understand the way other people feel or think (e.g., people with different backgrounds, problems, or attitudes from their won), Make them want to read for themselves (to continue a story, find out more about a subject, and soon). The survey data were initially analyzed and organized by the assessment tool available in Blackboard. Blackboard calculated percentages of answers of multiple answer items and generated a report that listed all responses to each open-ended item. Then, these data were re-organized into three categories: (a) positive, (b) neutral, no response or not applicable and (c) negative by the researchers. Generally speaking, positive responses referred to responses that supported the research critique assignment and negative responses referred to responses that disagreed with the components or administration of the research critique assignment.
Motivation to Read, when the students selected research articles to read, "the topic of the article" was the most important criterion. This was consistent with the responses of other items related to students' preference of having the opportunity to select their own research articles or being assigned a particular research article. Clearly, students felt that it was important that the article/reading materials were specifically related to their own practices or areas of interests. Contributions to Professional Growth. The results of the survey also indicated that the students did recognize the connections between the research critique assignment and their professional growth. In addition, most of the students commented that reading current research was a good way to build their theoretical knowledge, improve their practices, encourage preliminary thoughts on their master's projects, or help them be more informed consumers of research studies. Encouraging continual professional growth is notably an important goal of teacher education programs. As indicated by the findings of this study, relating reading materials and learning to students' lives, experiences and interests is highly valued and critical to extend learning beyond the classroom. Learning becomes more meaningful when the materials are relevant and owned by the learner. With shared decision-making described in this study, the learners had the power to apply and extend their newly acquired knowledge. While teacher educators try to convey this notion/principle to present and future teachers, it is helpful to model it in their own practices. Although small in scope, it is hoped that the results of this study may provide useful information for course improvement as well as program design.

According to the reader response theory, the readers bring their interests, personal backgrounds, and prior experiences to the reading process. Research related to self-selection of reading materials shows that through this shift in power, learners take greater ownership in their learning process and their motivation to read increases. In this study, learner perceptions of such shift in decision-making power were examined among teacher education students. It was found that this shift in power contributed to their professional development to become a more critical reader. Most people would say the most critical task in education is teaching students how to read fluently. Since the best way to gain and practice this skill is to read more, the challenge then lies in selecting the right book for the right student at the right time. That was the challenge we were determined to meet


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