Monday, December 24, 2012

Rihanna's New Album - Rihanna can not wait to release an album again. This sixth album in fact already recorded and just waiting for the finishing process. Unfortunately until now it seems Rihanna is still not willing to comment on this new album.

The title is still not known but from the information circulating is already finished album was recorded. According to Contact Music, Verse Simmonds had leaked this information when he was interviewed by MTV some time ago.

This time the verse is incorporated in The Jugganauts contributed two tracks that are far different from the track Man Down. Besides the two tracks of this Jugganauts, reportedly Rihanna is also going to include the results of his collaboration with Beyonce Knowles that he had recorded earlier.

Rihanna has long wanted to work with Beyonce and after a negotiation in this year's Grammy ceremony, they both finally found time to record one song together. Let's wait Rihanna's latest album on the market.

Derby Romero Forming Band - Derby Romero who had been famous as a solo artist, trying to form a new band. Not satisfied just as a soloist, Romero Derby now formed a band called Derby & The Revolution. One single " Dan Aku ", they incur as a mainstay single.

Shooting a video clip first single already done. Song titled " Dan Aku " offered to people who he loved. In the song, the model tells the song itself, can make to the people we love when any condition.

Derby also play around with the music full of color. With the genre of modern pop art, Derby gave a touch of alternative rock. Derby is already long enough to form the band, along with Iras who often lined up to accompany his performance both on air and off the water.

Confused When Choosing a Couples - In matters of selecting a spouse, both men and women have the right to choose the right partner. It is known in Islam whose name is 'kufu' (viable and harmonious), and a guardian has the right marriage partner for her daughter to pick someone who sekufu, although the meaning kufu most common among the scholars is co-religionists.

Other meanings such as matches, is also the meaning that can not be denied, thus SELECTION PROCESS THAT HAPPENS TO ANY MALE OR FEMALE. On the other hand that choosing a life partner by considering the various sides, provided at a reasonable considerations as well as Islamic, the representation is a necessity of life and liberty of God which He bestowed on every human being, including in choosing a husband or wife. Aisyah Ra said, 'Marriage is the essence of servitude, then he should see where his honor will be placed'.

To further solidify the choice if we are confused we can do good istikhorah prayers at midnight and in the beginning, and do it repeatedly. If it has been done many times so DEFINITENESS THAT THERE IS A GOD willing, HIS INSTRUCTIONS, AND THAT'S MORE FOLLOWED. But keep in mind, that information is dominant in a person are often more influential on istikhorah, therefore it needs to be done many times.

Prophet also said, 'He who match his honor with the ungodly he had cut her womb' (HR Ibnu Hibban). The Prophet also gave consideration to a sahabiyah who came to him as he requested consideration of two people who would propose, then the Prophet replied, 'As for Muawiyah ibn Abi Sufyan, he's very light hand (aka easy to hit), while the other is that poor people do not have a lot of treasure. " Then the Prophet married her to Zaid bin Harithah.

Diet and Effort to Have Offspring - What you eat can affect the sex cells, better known as 'sperm' for men and 'egg' for women. Fertility in touch with what food is in the eating, so do a balanced diet can increase the chances to conceive and produce healthy offspring in the future. You do not have the power to change something that is derivative, but of course you can control what goes into the stomach.

Actual differences in the male reproductive cycle and women is that men produce new sperm every day while women are born with a finite number of eggs and are not renewable in their ovaries. Because the quality of the eggs continued to decrease with age, so women who are aged above 35 years is more difficult to conceive. On the other hand, men face different problems. Their fertility levels are heavily influenced by the quality, quantity and spontaneous movement of their sperm. Usefulness of their reproductive organs, like testis, and epididymis skotrum (located in the vessel), also have an influence.

Lack of food can damage the reproductive system. Zinc, folic acid and calcium, which is a mineral that can be found in food, should always be part of the daily diet to maintain fertility or fertility rates. Consumption is also A, C, E and selenium, which in sufficient quantities to function as antioxidants, to fight free radicals from cigarette, alcohol, drugs and others.

If you want to have offspring, then you need to pay attention to what you eat. If you have not noticed your diet, get started, before it's too late.

Fry Healthy Tricks - Fry is the best way of cooking is not recommended by most nutrition experts because it adds to the fat content in foods. Then, what we then have to stop eating fried crisp, crunchy, and tasty it?

It seems impossible for most of us, especially the tongue pristine Indonesia. Let me not feel too bad, let us follow the various tricks. So we can bite the kemripik fried, without piling up bad fats and excess calories in the body.

Fried food product is not completely "bad" for our bodies because it still contains nutrients. In fact, the nutrients in foods that are fried suffered minimal damage to more than the food is boiled, baked, steamed, and other processing methods. Protein content in fried foods are also relatively intact for almost the same as the raw materials.

However, the oil or fat content of fried foods is higher than the raw materials. That is why we are often advised not to eat fried foods did not increase blood cholesterol levels.

We also need to choose cooking oil savory flavor, stable or not easily rancid, and nutritional value, such as unsaturated fatty acids are high. However, be reminded that the unsaturated fats will be broken at high temperatures and can turn into trans fats, which can cause blood cholesterol levels rise.

Almost all types of oil containing saturated and unsaturated fats, just different levels. According to data from the POS Pilot Plant Corporation, Canada, coconut oil contains saturated fatty acids of about 91 percent, while the unsaturated fatty acids of 9 percent; palm oil 51 cent saturated fat; 49 percent saturated fat; peanut oil (19:81), soybean oil (15:85), olive oil (15:85); corn oil (13 `.87), sunflower oil (12:88), canola oil (7:93).

Smoke Point Height

Oils with high smoke-point (at high temperatures is not easy smoky), indicating a good quality oil. Smoke point is the temperature when the oil is heated before exiting the smoke, and discolored; which is an indication of changes in the composition in the oil. When it will issue oil smoky odor and make food taste so bad makanah. The temperature when frying to be precise. If the oil has not been hot, the food is immersed, will cause the food to absorb too much oil.

If it is too hot, fast food will burn while the interior is not yet ripe. After frying, the food better-drained (can be with a special paper) to reduce the levels of oil.

There are several ways to fry, namely shallow frying or frying with a little oil is suitable for meat or food is sliced ​​thin. That uses a semi-deep frying oils with a high half of the fried ingredients; suitable-for thicker pieces, such as cakes. Fry with lots of oil (deep frying) suitable for fish, chicken, croquettes, etc., while sauteing (stir frying) uses very little oil.

Tips on cooking oil so durable:

- Frying washed and dried properly.
- Use a stainless steel pan, avoid copper materials.
- Drain, drain, remove the clot of ice on food to be fried.
- Heat the oil slowly and enter the food setefah hot oil.
- Note the temperature of the frying pan, so food does not absorb much tothe oil.
- Clean the sediment or crust (food scraps) in a frying pan.
- Add the oil so that the ratio of oil: the material adatah 6: 1.
- After frying oil is cooled and then filtered.
- Keep container closed datam oil, in the dark and cool.
- If you want to use, add fresh oil
- If the form of foam berartu damaged oil, contain toxic substances and should be discarded.

New Oil Change

In order for fried foods that we make at home to stay healthy, do not hesitate to change the oil.
When cooking oil should be replaced with a new one?

- If you have changed color to brown, even black.
- Smelly, very strong, much less rancid.
- Excessive smoke at normal temperatures.
- Appears Excessive foaming around the food being fried

The Success Key of BlackBerry in Indonesia - Compared to all countries in Southeast Asia, Indonesia does have the largest number of BlackBerry users. So what makes this phone so successful?

There are about three million BlackBerry subscribers in Indonesia. This figure is believed to still be growing along with the incessant activity of RIM's marketing partners in Indonesia. Indonesia itself has a mobile market with a rate of more than 180 million subscribers.

Behind the success of the BlackBerry was not spared from the habits of the users in Indonesia. It is utilized RIM to continue to aggressively promote their products.

"The people of Indonesia is fond of texting. So they get a better experience with the fuel features, email and social media. That's what makes the BlackBerry sold in Indonesia," said Francois Mahieu, Senior Director, Head of Product Management Asia Pacific Rim.

In addition, RIM also implement their various strategies such as building community, providing a diverse selection of products, or offer efficiency and durability of products that claimed to be the best in its class.

Human Brain Need Vacation - Doing the same routine every day will lead to saturation and the brain can not work optimally. There are 4 reasons that make the human brain needs a vacation.

A study conducted by the Families and Work Institute found that doing a vacation like going to museums or the beach nearby is important for the brain.

Here are 4 reasons that make the holiday becomes important for the brain, as quoted from

1. Improve Memory
Dr. Russell Poldrack as director of the Imaging Research Center at the University of Texas at Austin said the holiday will provide a new experience, this condition will make the brain responds by releasing dopamine into the hippocampus (part of the brain that creates a memory or memories). This will improve memory and help protect against Alzheimer's disease.

2. Enhance creativity
American and French researchers found the holidays can increase the ability to solve problems, raise awareness of the connection is lost and to encourage people to try something new. This is because vacation facilitate the mind's creativity.

3. Sharpens concentration
Researchers from the University of Pittsburgh reported that people with serious health conditions tend to take less time thus increasing the levels of stress hormones. Poldrack said when someone is tired, then the prefrontal cortex will be overwhelmed due to the amount of stress hormones and makes one lose focus or concentration.

4. Provide rest time
The study found 2-3 days after the holiday people will have a rest time and a higher quality sleep, it can even be increased to 80 percent. Quality sleep can improve memory and brain health.

Spurs - City Negotiate Adebayor Transfer - Tottenham Hotspur take concrete steps to bring Emmanuel Adebayor. Spurs are now going through the process of talks with Manchester City to recruit the Togo striker.

The arrival of Sergio Aguero attackers increasingly adding excess stock in the camp of The Citizens. Meanwhile, Adebayor is no longer desired by Roberto Mancini.

Adebayor was on loan to Real Madrid in his second season with City. Former Arsenal player 27-year-old is hoping the Spanish giants want to sign him permanently but that has not materialized.

Recently emerging issues that call that Harry Redknapp keen to use the services of Adebayor. However, only a loan player. Nego with the City has run several times, only the salary demands Adebayor is $ 170 thousand pounds per weekend which will be a major constraint.

Got Kids Can Make Healthy -Baby is a beautiful gift given by God. Almost every married couple must have longed for the presence of the baby. However, in some situations, there are some couples who deliberately delaying to have a baby. But, you know that the baby's presence will make your life healthier.

Here are some health benefits that you can get with the presence of a baby in the middle of your life:

1. Lowering your blood pressure
A new study from Brigham Young University found that becoming a parent can help you lower your blood pressure. Researchers studied 200 couples who had been married to monitor blood pressure for 24 hours. The result, found that couples who have children, her blood pressure will be significantly lower than those without offspring.

2. Mental Health
According to a growing confidence in today's society, children often make parents become stressed due to their mischievous behavior. However, the results of research in the Mental Health Foundation, Taiwan, showed the presence of the child's parents will only make it look more mentally healthy. A new organization has interviewed 1084 randomly selected families, and found that the mental health of families with no children 6.4 points lower than those with children.

"The results show that people who have children are happier and have greater emotional satisfaction than those who do not have children," said Tom Yang, a researcher of the study.

3. Updating knowledge
Anyone with children can prove that the words are often spoken of a child is "why." Children are basically always have a great curiosity, such as, "Why do cats' eyes shine at night?" "Why smell so fresh after the rain, "and so forth.

As a parent, you should certainly be able to answer any questions posed little one with a reasonable answer. Indirectly, you have been directed to polish their knowledge with re-learn something.

4. Child as an excuse
Many single men who often complain that their friends who are married and have children is very difficult to be invited to hang out. This happens because most parents use their children as an excuse to shy away from social activities that are not desirable.

5. Improving self-esteem
Anyone who has a child will feel proud and satisfied when his son gave a positive speech, for example, "You are the best dad in the whole world". Remarks such as this will certainly have a profound effect on your self-esteem as a parent. This allows you to complete all forms of work, which according to your estimates were previously impossible, possible.

6. Happier
The parents have long assumed that an offspring will make them much happier. Recently, there is a study that supports the claim. A study by the Max Planck Institute for Demographic found a direct correlation between the presence of children and the happiness of parents over the age of 40 years.

Researchers surveyed 200,000 people in 86 countries between 1981 and 2005 and found that at age 40, parents with 1-3 children feel a lot happier than couples with no children. Even when the age of 50 years, parents who have children will be happier than couples without children. This finding is not surprising. The reason, most parents will be easier to care for children when they grow up.

Danger of Smoking in the Morning Smoking in the morning, especially accompanied by a cup of coffee, has become a ritual that hard to break. However, these habits seem to need to be stopped from smoking at the beginning of the day is more dangerous than smoking on the day or night.

Research shows that smoking after waking up would increase the risk of lung cancer, neck and head. "Morning smokers have high levels of nicotine and other toxins from tobacco in his body. They are also more addicted than smokers who refrained from smoking a half hour or so after waking up," said researcher Joshua Muscat of Penn State College of Medicine.

To find out why some smokers get cancer and not, Muscat and his team examined the link between cancer risk is there with the habit of first cigarette in the morning.

The first study involved 4775 patients with lung cancer and 2835 of other smokers without lung cancer. Those who smoke 30 minutes after waking up 1.79 times higher risk of suffering from lung cancer than those who waited more than 60 minutes. Meanwhile, those who smoked 31-60 minutes after waking up had 1.31 times the risk compared to those who wait at least an hour.

The second study involved 1055 people with brain and neck cancer and 795 people who smoked but did not suffer brain and neck cancer. Those who smoked within 30 minutes when you wake up 1.59 times the risk of brain and neck cancer compared with those who waited an hour.

The risk of smokers who smoked 31-60 minutes after waking up 1.42 times than those who wait at least an hour.

Asus launches world's thinnest notebook Asus finally launching a netbook product called the thinnest and lightest in the world. With a thickness of 17.6 millimeters and weighs 920 grams totaled, X101 series product is challenging thin laptops that are already on the market without sacrificing functionality.

This product has actually been exhibited in celebration of International Computer, Computex 2011, Taipei, Taiwan, a few months ago. The design is lightweight and slim netbook is meant to fit easily into a briefcase and can be carried easily anywhere.

This netbook allegedly deliberately made ​​for cloud computing to boost the ability to surf the internet. The proof lies in the use of Solid State Drives at 8 Gigabit without any harddisks.

The operating system used is MeeGo which basically has the functionality to work through the cloud computing as well as access to exclusive services such as Asus Vibe Asus, Asus AppStore, until online file storage facility that is Dropbox.

Specifications X101 is also not lost though initially targeted for netbook users and people who want to have a secondary computer. Processor which is embedded in this netbook is the Intel Atom, 1 Gb RAM, 2 USB 2.0 plugs, a micro SD slot, and a webcam. Innovations such as the Asus Super Hybrid Engine proud ensure the continued efficient performance of netbook so that it can save battery usage.

Cost of Living in the United States Increasingly Expensive - Cost of living in the United States rose a higher than forecast in July. Conditions that would make the leaders of the Federal Reserve (The Fed) Ben S. Bernanke, increasingly difficult to convince his colleagues to act quickly to boost economic growth.

Data released by the U.S. Commerce Department showed that U.S. consumer price index rose 0.5 percent from June. That figure is two-fold higher than the median of economists surveyed by Bloomberg by 0.2 percent. Meanwhile, the Philadelphia region's economic index data released by The Fed also dropped to minus 30.7 in August, the lowest since March 2009.

"Lots of negative data. Increasing evidence that the economy is heading towards a recession will push Bernanke to take immediate action before the end of the year," said John Herrmann, Senior Fixed Income Strategist, State Street Global Markets LLC in Boston.

However, continued Herrmann, rising cost of living data will limit the choice was. "Inflation data does not give The Fed ammunition to re-spawn unconventional monetary policy easing," he said.

In addition, a number of negative data center clung indeed the U.S. economy. Call it the stock market plunged and gold prices hit a record high.

Gold Create a New High Record in The History - World gold prices rocketed back and create a new high record in the history of this precious metal trading close to 1830 US$ by trading on Thursday (08/18/2011) local time.

Gold prices rise more than doubled since the start of a recession beginning in 2007. The price of this yellow rose 19 percent since last June when the European Leaders fight to keep the debt crisis did not spread to the main economic areas as well as U.S. politicians barely make contact with the country's default. That forced the rating agency Standard & Poor's cut U.S. credit rating to AAA .

The price of gold for December delivery, the most actively traded, was closed in 1822 US$ per ounce, up 28.20 US$ or 1.6 percent. In early trading, the yellow had a chance to touch 1829.70 US$, which is the highest level in history.

While in Indonesia, which is the Noble Metals business unit of PT Aneka Tambang Tbk, to fix the price of gold at Rp 552 000 per gram for the purchase of 1 gram. As for the purchase of one kilogram which is the benchmark market price of gold, precious metals fix the price of Rp 510,000 per gram.

School to Japan Without Learn Japanese Language - Asia Pacific University (APU) provides scholarships for foreign students to undergo studies in of Sakura. This scholarship is awarded for a maximum of 4 years (until graduation) and no ties whatsoever. Scholarship selection process incoming and APU based on the quality of documents submitted, without the written tests or interviews. In addition, the APU uses English as an introduction to learning. So, you do not need to learn Japanese first. Interested?

Scholarships are awarded APU includes only 124 credits over four years for freshmen (first year student), 94 credits for 3 years for second-year transfer student (second year transfer student), and 62 credits for 2 years for a third year transfer student ( third year transfer student).

This scholarship program does not apply if the student takes additional credits, or decide to study more than 4 years.

Well, there are several scholarship options, namely Pre-Enrollment scholarship that covers 100 percent of the scholarship program, scholarship programs 80 percent, 65 percent of the scholarship program, scholarship program by 50 percent, 30 percent scholarship, and Honor Scholarship.

100 percent for the scholarship program, all tuition fees paid by the university, without the cost of tickets and living expenses. Similarly, 80 percent of the program, pays 80 percent of university tuition fees and so on. Meanwhile, Honor Scholarship is a scholarship granted by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology valued at 600,000 yen per year. Students only pay 130,000 yen entrance fee, airfare, and tuition 1200000-1375000 yen per year and the cost of living, and can be combined with other APU scholarships.

There are also Scholarships Post-enrollment, ie internal scholarships to students who have been in Japan, achievement and meet the requirements. In addition, there are external scholarships are awarded to international students, and 19 kinds of scholarships are awarded for those who have student visas.

For enrollment to April 2012, application deadline 30 September 2011 and the regular application deadline November 30, 2011. For enrollment September 2012, application deadline January 31, 2012, the regular application deadline March 31, 2012.

Sampoerna Launches International Standard School - Putera Sampoerna Foundation in collaboration with ExxonMobil launched a boarding school level of upper secondary school (high school) and the first international standard in Indonesia. The school is dedicated to students and student achievement from pre-prosperous families across Indonesia.

Nenny Soemawinata, Managing Director Putera Sampoerna Foundation said there were as many as 200 students and students who have passed through stringent selection process and managed to set aside more than 1,000 registrants from all over Indonesia to get a full scholarship with a total value amounting to 3.15 million U.S. dollars from the ExxonMobil Foundation.

The male and female students selected are those that have been set aside more than 1,000 applicants from various regions in Indonesia. The selection process is divided into five stages of strict selection, the selection of documents, academic tests, psychological tests, interviews, focus group discussions (FGD), as well as home visits to prospective students (home visit).

Sampoerna Academy Bogor Campus consists of students from throughout the region in Indonesia, including Sumatra, Kalimantan, Nusa Tenggara (NTT), to West Papua. In addition, a number of students or students there are also derived from the operation of ExxonMobil, among Blora, Cepu and Bojonegoro, East Java.

Furthermore Nenny explained, Sampoerna Academy is an international education curriculum adapted from Cambridge University with a national curriculum or the Education Unit Level Curriculum (SBC).

Meanwhile, Regent Bogor, Rahmat Yasin said it strongly supports the opening of school Sampoerna Academy Campus in Bogor Bogor regency, West Java. He hopes one day this school can print more students and student achievement and an example for other schools so that the quality of education in Indonesia continues to increase.

For information, Putera Sampoerna Foundation in 2009 has opened Sampoerna Academy in Malang, and Palembang, in which male and female students in Malang majority coming from the East Java region, while the students are girls at Palembang comes from Sumatra and Kalimantan. The total students of all Academy Sampoerna has currently reached 993 students with 525 students and new students 2011/2012 force. This year, Putera Sampoerna Foundation Sampoerna Academy plans to inaugurate in Bali.

The Symptoms and Causes of Mesothelioma - Mesothelioma is a rare form of cancer that occurs in the thin tissue that lines most of the internal organs (mesothelium). The doctor divides mesothelioma into several types based on which part of this cancer occurs.
  • Pleural malignant mesothelioma, which occurs in the tissue lining around the lungs and is the most common type.
  • Peritoneal mesothelioma, occurring in tissues that line the stomach.
  • Pericardial mesothelioma, occurring in the tissue lining around the heart.
  • Mesothelioma of the tunica vaginalis, occurs in the lining around the testicles
The symptoms of Mesothelioma

Signs and the symptoms of mesothelioma varies based on where the cancer occurs.

Pleural mesothelioma, signs and symptoms include:
• Shortness of breath
• Pain when breathing
• Pain when coughing
• Pain in the lower rib
• an unusual lump in the chest under the skin layer
• Lost weight suddenly
• Dry cough

Peritoneal mesothelioma, signs and symptoms include:
• Pain in abdomen
• Swelling in the abdomen
• Changes in bowel movements, such as more frequent diarrhea or constipation
• Lump in the tissues in the abdominal area
• Lost weight suddenly

Other forms of mesothelioma
Signs and the symptoms pericardial mesothelioma and tunica vaginalis are unclear. On health , there is no complete information about this. Pericardial mesothelioma have signs and symptoms that may include difficulty breathing or chest pain. While mesothelioma of the tunica vaginalis can be detected first by the enlargement of the testicles.

The Causes of Mesothelioma

In general, cancer occurs when cell DNA mutation. This mutation makes the cells continued to grow and flourish while others have normal cell cycles of life and death. Accumulation of cancer cells can form a malignant tumor.

It is unclear what causes the initial genetic mutations that lead to mesothelioma although scientists identify factors that may increase the risk. Cancer may result from a combination of several factors, such as heredity, environment, health condition and lifestyle.

Benign pleural mesothelioma
Benign tumors that form in the chest sometimes called benign mesothelioma. But the term is misleading. Benign mesothelioma is not started on the same cell where the cancer is formed. And in some cases kacil, benign mesothelioma can be very aggressive. For this reason, some doctors now prefer to call this tumor as a solitary fibrous tumor.

Solitary fibrous tumors usually do not cause signs and the symptoms. It is unclear what caused the solitary fibrous tumor, but tumors are associated with asbestos contamination pollutants. Treatment for solitary fibrous tumors usually includes surgery procedures.

Mesothelioma Fact - Mesothelioma Fact , Mesothelioma is a rare form of cancer that occurs in the thin tissue that lines most of the internal organs. Asbestos is the cause of about 90 percent of all mesothelioma cases. Asbestos is a mineral found in the neighborhood. Asbestos fibers are strong and resistant to heat makes it very useful to be applied to a variety of needs. People who work in environments polluted many asbestos fibers have a greater risk of exposure mesothelioma.

When asbestos split, asbestos dust is formed. If dust is inhaled or swallowed asbestos fibers will then settle in the lungs or in the stomach and can cause irritation that causes mesothelioma.

Some people who over many years exposed to asbestos pollution can not have mesothelioma, while others the opposite. This indicates that other factors may be related, namely the hereditary factors do you have a family history of cancer in some people is a condition that increases the risk.

Risk factors that may increase the risk of mesothelioma such as:
• Exposure to asbestos fiber dust pollution
• Living with someone who works in an environment with asbestos (the asbestos fibers are attached to their clothing or skin)
• Smoking
• SV40 virus is found in many primates
• X-ray radiation
• Family history with mesothelioma

Many people who experienced mesothelioma exposed to asbestos fibers while working at places such as:
• Mine
• Factory worker
• Manufacturing of electronic components
• Construction of rail
• Shipbuilding
• Construction workers
• Mechanics

Prevention :
• Beware if you work in an environment with asbestos
• Follow standard safety regulations
• Do not use objects that contain asbestos in your neighborhood

Curly Hair Care Tips - Curly hair care tips. Curly hair have different types. Big curly hair, curly frizzy curls up like a sausage that is very circular. Because various types of this, curly hair has a lot of problems because every person has a curly pattern that is different.

According YouBeauty, experts do not know clearly why there are many types of hair. Curly hair care tips too different. But definitely, the shape of your hair follicle curly-haired, has a bag of curly hair and also hair protein (keratin) that exist in the base of the hair will affect your hair type. All hair types will grow twisted, whatever your hair type. Will get curly hair if its wave number is growing.

Curly hair care tips

Keep the humidity
The owners of curly hair is highly recommended to maintain the hair moisture. In order for curly hair more smooth and gentle to use a deep conditioning treatment twice a month. If your hair is dry, do not wash too often, try to only twice a week.

Be careful Drying
You must be careful to handle curly hair. Avoid using too coarse towel when drying your hair or wrap your hair with a towel to absorb the excess water wash.

"Curly hair must be dried slowly, but if your schedule is too dense for it, wipe with a soft towel and make sure your hair does not fall apart when rubbed," advises celebrity stylist Kristan Serafino. "If curly hair is touched with the rough - or worse combed - will cause your natural curly hair matted instead."

Citing Conectique, you should dry the hair with your fingers, with or without a fan. The result will make the hair become more organized and flexible.

Do not touch
When using curl enhancer products like cream, gel or mousse, follow the pattern of your hair curly, rotate from the middle to the ends of your hair, advice Serafino. "When hair is dry, then you should apply new silicone serum on the ends of your hair to soften curly pattern and make it more shiny," he added.

Once laid out, do not touch your hair again because the more you play, your hair will actually grow tangled. Thus curly hair care tips, may be useful for you.

Inducting New Employees Into Your Company  - Inducting New Employees Into Your Company. New employees are the best assets of a company. New employees can advance a company's business if they can work well and can advance the company where they work. If you're looking for a way or method to introduce the existing business in your company to new employees, there are some things you can do. Here are some suggestions to introduce your company to a new employees:

The first way, to make new employees feel comfortable in your company. As a new employee, maybe they can not immediately adapt to your company. They may take time to recognize the environments in which they work. So make new employees feel comfortable in your company, so they can work comfortably.

The second way, introducing new employees to other work colleagues. Introduce them to other colleagues in their department. In this way makes them comfortable asking questions on their first day

The third way, after introductions are made, you should discuss with new employees, what you hope for. What to tell what should be done by new employees. So that later they can work well according to your wishes. If they do not know what you expect, they will not be able to meet your needs.

That simple advice for you in introducing a new employee in your company.

Foods That Cause Acne  - Foods That Cause Acne. Acne is one of the most hated enemy by everyone, especially women. Acne is not including a dangerous disease. But its presence is very annoying, though acne is not harmful but should we treat and handle well.
Acne is caused by clogged pores due to overactive oil glands. Although many medical experts who denied any connection between acne with the food we eat, there's no harm in avoiding some foods that supposedly can trigger acne.

Here are some foods can cause acne:

1. Sugar and Chocolate
Chocolate may be one of the most food trigger acne. Archives of Dermatology published a study which explains that the food has a high Glycemic Index scale, usually in processed carbohydrates such as sugar can cause the appearance of acne due to increased hormone levels.

2. Milk
Some studies show a high milk intake may be associated with the appearance of acne. A Harvard study found that teens who drink milk more than two servings a day are more likely to suffer from severe acne. That is because the increase in growth hormone which causes the sebaceous glands in the skin become clogged.

3. Iodine
Iodine may be one factor in the appearance of acne, such as skin oil glands which can irritate skin that is prone to acne. Iodine can be found in fish and shellfish because sea water contains iodine. In addition other sources comes from iodized salt which is a component of several types of canned food.

4.Caffeine and Alcohol
Caffeine is considered to trigger the appearance of acne because it can affect hormone levels produced by the body. Some sources of caffeine are coffee, tea, soft drinks, and chocolate. In addition, alcohol also causes an increase in hormones, particularly testosterone can cause acne more often.

5. Food Allergy Triggers
Skin problems often arise due to food allergies, especially milk and eggs. Acne appears due to the immune system tries to fight the poison that is felt. An allergist has diagnosed and confirmed the relationship of food allergy with severe acne.

6. Fruit and Vegetable Characteristically Acid
Some fruits and vegetables that are acidic can cause the appearance of acne, such as carrots, cucumbers, oranges, and lettuce. The acidity of the body can cause the appearance of acne, because it should be avoided.

Those are some foods that can trigger the onset of Acne.

5 Tips In Finding Hotel

5 Tips In Finding Hotel - Hotel room - You are planning a holiday abroad for your family, and want everyone to have a good time. You surf the internet for hotel descriptions, but from the pictures you see and what you read, all hotels project a perfect image of themselves. How can you know which one is better? You have never been there and knows nothing of your destination. At the same time, you do not want a hotel room to spend your budget. How do you choose?
Check Independent Hotel Rating
Well, the first step you can take is to visit the hotel to see the search engine ratings from previous visitors. In order assessments for every hotel, most agents ask for an assessment of previous guests. Reading their comments will give you a fair idea of ​​what to expect from the hotel which is located in your destination. Make sure to read some of the comments in order to get a fair picture. Certain incidents described only a rare occurrence that may have been corrected.
Hotel Chains and Facilities
Are they part of an international hotel chain? Most international chains have strict standards attached and the default theme in all of the chain. They may have the same amenities (health club, spa, business center, etc.) are essential to maintain a high standard of hotel. Other things you can look out for shuttle services including concierge, to the city, airport transfers and laundry service is good.
Perhaps one of the most important things when choosing a hotel is the location. Hotels close to shopping center, train station or city center level higher charge than those located elsewhere. Analyzing maps of the area before you order to determine the nearest shopping center or access to the train station that will provide you with a lot of ease in moving around. Also, check with the hotel if they have a large tour groups arrive at the same time. Hotel costs are higher during periods of high occupancy, and do not have the flexibility of late check-out. This is an important aspect that, if ignored, can affect your tour itinerary and your impression of the level of hotel hospitality.
Prices and Discounts
The hotel rates are a huge factor when it comes to choosing a hotel. However, paying more does not always mean that you will receive an equivalent level of service and standards. One way to maximize the price will check if they are part of an alliance with airlines or car rental companies, offering customers a discount for their allies. Sometimes, credit card companies offer their cardholders exclusive rate for special which can be very interesting. In addition, if it is possible to use your frequent flyer points to redeem hotel discounts, this could help reduce the cost of the hotel as well.
Boutique Hotel
Finally, apart from chain hotels, boutique hotels may be a good alternative for a romantic place for couples or families looking for a more typical of the theme. Many boutique hotels have less space but offer value added services such as in-room spa bed, breakfast in bed or even in-room massages. In the end, your choice of hotel really depends on what you want from your holiday.

Acyclovir Pharmacology and Indication

Acyclovir Pharmacology and Indication Acyclovir is acyclic purine nucleoside analogue active against herpes simplex virus, varicella zoster, Epstein-Barr virus and cytomegalovirus. In the cell, undergo phosphorylation acyclovir acyclovir triphosphate into an active form that inhibit the herpes simplex virus DNA polymerase and viral DNA replication, thereby preventing viral DNA synthesis without affecting normal cell processes.

Acyclovir Pharmacology
Acyclovir is an antiviral agent highly active in vitro against herpes simplex virus (HSV) types I and II, and varicella zoster virus. Upon entry into the infected cell, the phosphorylated form of the active compound Acyclovir Acyclovir trifosfate. The initial phase of the process depends on the enzyme thymidine kinase viral-coded. Acyclovir trifosfate act as inhibitors and as a false substrate for the herpes-specified DNA polymerase which prevents viral DNA synthesis without affecting normal cellular processes.

Treatment of herpes simplex virus infections of the skin and mucous membranes including initial and recurrent genital herpes / recurrent, herpes zoster (shingles / shingles / shingles). Preventing recurrence of herpes simplex infections in patients with strong immune systems. Preventing herpes simplex infection in patients with poor immune systems.

Another acyclovir pharmacology is a treatment of herpes simplex virus infections of the skin and mucous membranes including initial and recurrent genital herpes / recurrent, herpes zoster (shingles / shingles / shingles); preventing recurrence of herpes simplex infections in patients with strong immune systems; preventing herpes simplex infection in patients with poor immune systems.

Acyclovir Indication
Acyclovir indication such as treatment of herpes simplex virus on the skin and mucus membranes, including initial and recurrent genital herpes; treatment of herpes zoster and varicella infections; treatment of infections caused by the herpes simplex of the skin and mucous membranes including initial and recurrent genital herpes, herpes simplex infection prevention in immuno-compromised patients; treatment of herpes zoster infection.

Tips for a Healthy Pregnancy

tips for a healthy pregnancy - Pregnancy is something that can make a mother feel happy. Keeping the baby in the womb to grow healthy and born alive is to be performed by a pregnant woman. The gestation period will determine the child's growth. Here we provide some tips on healthy during pregnancy.

Visit a Physician Regularly
During pregnancy, mothers can visit a physician/doctor regularly. Regularly check the baby in the womb is useful to know the condition and growth of the fetus. Likewise, if there is anything wrong in pregnancy should be immediately checked by a physician. Do this until the last month of pregnancy.

Important Eat Nutritious Foods
Begin to eat nutritious foods; it is important for pregnant women and fetal growth. Maternal diet usually eats small meals but often, about 5-6 times per day. It's better than eating large servings in 3 per day, a diet with smaller portions and more often to reduce nausea and vomiting in the morning, and stomach pain.

Folic Acid and Zinc
Healthy foods for pregnant mothers are foods that contain folic acid and zinc. Folic acid is useful for preventing neural tube defects in infants and spine. Foods that contain folic acid present in cereals, brown rice, oranges, green vegetables, beans, broccoli, and more. Zinc is useful to prevent anemia during pregnancy. Anemia is very dangerous for pregnant women, can cause bleeding during childbirth.

Avoid Cigarette Smoke
Cigarette and tobacco smoke are very harmful to the health of mother and fetus. Avoid cigarette smoke; try not to become passive smokers. If your husband is a smoker, warn not to smoke near you. And if you're also a smoker, stop smoking better. Cigarette smoke will make your baby born weighing less, easily hurt, slow growth; it can even cause miscarriage and death in the womb.

Drinking Adequate Water
Drinking adequate water is another important thing to note for pregnant women. Drinking lots of water is very useful for pregnant women, because the incoming fluid will help to increase the blood volume that occurs during pregnancy. Drink at least 6-8 glasses a day, can be fruit juice, milk, or water.

Taking Medications Safely
Be careful when taking some drugs. If you are attacked by a disease or pain, be careful taking drugs. You should immediately consult your physician before taking it. If you are pregnant and taking medication without rules would be harmful to the fetus in the womb.

Remain Active During Pregnancy
Pregnant women should remain active. Pregnant women can also do exercise such as walking. Taking a pregnancy exercise classes are also good, in addition to the benefits to the mother and fetus, the pregnant women in the class are able to share experiences and gain knowledge. In between activities, do not forget to rest

Vaccination During Pregnancy
Another important thing is vaccinated during pregnancy. Pregnant women should talk to their physicians to figure out which vaccines they might need and whether they should get them during pregnancy or wait until after their child is born. Hepatitis B, Influenza and Tetanus/Diphtheria are considered safe to give to women who might be at risk of infection.

Self-Confidence - Self-confidence is one aspect of personality that is very important in human life. Self confident people are confident about their own abilities and have realistic expectations, even when their expectations are not realized; they stayed positive and can take it.

Self-confidence is a mental or psychological condition of a person who gives a strong confidence in him to do or perform any act. People who do not believe in themselves have a negative self-concept, lack of confidence in his ability, because it is often kept to them. Self confidence is a mental or psychological condition, which individuals can evaluate the entirety of her strong belief in giving him the ability to take action in achieving various goals in life.
People who have good self-confidence, they have positive feelings toward themselves, have strong beliefs on him and had accurate knowledge of the capabilities. People who have good self-confidence are not the only person who feels capable of (but not really afford) but is a person who knows that he can be caused by experience and calculation that he did.
Synonyms:  aplomb, inner strength, positive self-image, self-assurance

Personality traits of people with low self-confidence
When this is linked to the practice of everyday life, people who have low self-confidence or have lost confidence, tend to feel / be as below:
Do not have anything (desires, goals, targets) which fought energetically
Do not have a decision to step decisive
Easily frustrated or give up when faced with a problem or difficulty
Less motivated to go forward, laziness or half and half
Often fails to accomplish its tasks or responsibilities
Awkward in dealing with people
Can not demonstrate the ability to speak and the ability to listen to a convincing
Often have unrealistic expectations
Too perfectionist
Too sensitive

Help: low self-confindence
Counselling,  life coaching, and hypnotherapy are common therapies used to help improve self-confidence.



1.1  Background
            Learning English is very important because English is an international language. Parts of society have realized that English is very important in their life. If they go to abroad, they will use English to communicate to other because they can not use their native language there due to the fact that people there don’t understand it, so they use English to communicate to others because English is an international language.
            Nowadays, English is one of the subjects at schools. In learning English at schools, textbooks are the key component. Textbook is an important resource. For the teacher in the assisting students to learn English. It is foundations of school instruction and the primary source of information for students and teachers. Textbook serves as one of the main instruments for shaping knowledge, attitudes and disciplines of our students.
            In Indonesia, textbook serve as the basic for much of the language input that the learners receive and the language practice that take place in classroom. In some situations, textbooks may function as a supplements to teacher’s instruction in the ESL teaching and learning process. For most teachers, textbooks provide the foundation for the content of lesson, the balance of the skills taught, as well as the kinds of language practice that the students engage in during class activities. For ESL learners, textbooks become the major source of contact that they have with the language apart from the input provided by the teacher.
            In language learning, textbook takes a significant role during the process of teaching and learning. It is absolutely a difficulty for teacher to teach systematically without a textbook. A textbook also provide a guarantee for students on their systematic revision about what they have learn and guarantee for them about what they are going to learn.
            Textbook is designed with following the curriculum. This curriculum is arranged by the government and the textbooks always been redesigned based on the curriculum that is approved by the government. When the curriculum is redesigned automatically the publishers of the textbook also redesign their display of their textbooks.
            Curriculum will have meaning and function to develop students, when it is applied and transformed by the teachers to their students in an activity called “teaching and learning process”. In other words teaching and learning process is the implementation of a curriculum.
            According to the explanation above the writer concludes that learning English is very important because English is international language, to support this students need textbook to support teaching learning process in classroom. Textbooks are key component to support teaching learning process, beside that textbook should based on the curriculum that arranged by government.
            As we know that commonly urban school have better facilities than rural school, due reason maybe because the position of urban school near to the central information. As a result, the students can easily find supporting materials, such as the textbook used. The writer decided to investigate the textbook used in urban school and suburb school because at this time the societies always interpret that urban school is better than suburb school. In this case is textbooks used in SMPN 1 Sakra Timur and MTs. NW Menceh.
1.2  Statement of Problems
            In this research, the writer is going to answer some problems related to the textbook analysis. The problems is elaborated into several research questions as follow:
1.      What textbooks are used for the first year students of SMPN 1 Sakra Timur and for those of MTs. NW Menceh?
2.      Do the schools use different or similar textbooks? In what ways are the textbooks different or similar?
3.      Are the textbook relevant with the expectation of the current policy on curriculum.
1.3  Objective of Study
            The objectives of doing this research are as follow:
1.      To identify the textbook those are used for the first year students of SMPN 1 Sakra Timur and MTs. NW Menceh.
2.      To compare or contras the textbooks that are used for the first year students of SMPN 1 Sakra Timur and MTs. NW Meneh.
3.      To explain the relevancy of the textbooks expectation based on curriculum.
1.4  Scope and Limitation
            This research take place in SMPN 1 Sakra Timur and MTs. NW Mencehe on the academic year 2008/2009 for the first year students.
1.5  Significance of Study
            The findings of the research are expected to be significant for:
1.      The teacher
Teacher can determine the appropriate textbook related to the students’ needs.
2.      The students
Textbooks used are suitable with student needs so the textbook can motivate students to learn.
3.      The school
School can determine the kind of facilities used by students and teachers to improve their competencies.
1.6  Definition of Key Terms
            There are some key terms that the writer wants to clarify them are:
1.      Textbook
             Textbook is a book used at school or colleges for the formal study of a subject in addition textbook is defined as a manual of instruction a standard book in any branch of study.
2.      Comparative study
             Comparative study is the act of comparing two or more variables with a view to discovering something about one or all of the variables being compared. In other definition, comparative study looks at two or more similar focuses on a few specific characteristics. This method can also be used to compare the same group, condition or individual over time. Comparisons may be qualitative or quantitative. In this study analysis requires the descriptive of textbooks. Therefore, it is necessary to clarify the definition of descriptive study. Based on descriptive study is a study that focuses on a particular situation or set of situation, reports on important aspects observed, and attempts to determine the interrelationship among them. In addition descriptive study is involves collecting data in order to test hypothesis or to answer question about opinions of people about a topic or issue.
             Based on the statement above, comparative study is to compare two or more variables to look for the similarities or differences between variable. In this research the writer is going to compare two textbooks from two different schools and the writer look for the similarities and differences between both textbooks, but not only the similarities and differences but also the content of textbook with the curriculum.

2.1  Language and Language Teaching
            Whenever we talk about language, we start asking for ourselves of what really mean term language. Several experts try to explain about a language, based on some specific elements in a language.
            A language is a system of sound and meaning. “As a language is systematic, the learners of the language can make a systematic approach to the language by making sentences asking, question, negative sentences or using grammar of the language” (Frankin cited in Nur Asiah (2005)).
            Language is as medium of communication. Human being uses the language to communicate with other. Language can be studied from numerous points of views. Some linguists define it differently. Anderson and Stageberg (cited in Nur Asiah 2005) said that language is purely human and non instinctive method of communicative ideas, emotion and desires by mean a system of voluntary produced symbol.
            This opinion seems to be supported by Finochiaro (cited in Widya, 2006), she said that language is a system or arbitrary vocal symbol which permit all people in given culture, to communicate or to interact.
            When talking about second language teaching and learning, our association runs to a complex and systematic process of transferring values and rules to the learners. Brown (cited in Widya, 2006) defines that “teaching” is guiding and facilitating learning, enabling learners to learn and setting the condition for teaching, the condition for learning. In other hand, many experts agree that language teaching has means as both what is being taught and the means by which it is being taught (Allwright and Bailey, 1991, Cook: 1991, Ellis: 1992 in Widya, 2006). In term of teaching, all of language teaching activities are aimed to construct the language use through discussion, communication task and role plays (Littlewood, 1994). Through these activities it is expected that English language teaching achieved its objectives.
2.2  Language Teaching and Textbook
            Hutchinson and Torres (cited in Widya, 2006) say that there is no teaching learning situation is complete until it has its relevant textbook. It means that the textbook itself is created right just before the curriculum, or the curriculum creates the textbook, which is relevant. Even most of time, textbook and the curriculum are created in the quite same time. It is because that the curriculum and the textbook are integrated and as a range of system in teaching and learning.
            The textbook itself helps the teachers to teach their students systematically. Grant (cited in Widya, 2006) explains that most of general English teachers find some difficulties in teaching material without a textbook. For teachers, a textbook is needed. It is may be a different thing for ESP classroom that needs of the learners. But if there are teachers that do not need a textbook, they probably have plenty of time to prepare the material or they are genius people.
            For students, as Grant (cited in Widya, 2006) states that, a textbook offer the students fully arranged revision about tasks that they have done. And also it givens the students a brief explanation about the tasks that they are going to do for the next meeting. Or, at least a textbook gives the students and also the teachers a clear guideline and description about what the materials is going to talk about for their next meeting. In other hand, a handful folder used in a classroom that seems to failed in order to fulfill the needs of the teachers and the students about a systematic book.
            It is answering the question of what a textbook can do. Furthermore, Grants (cited in Widya, 2006) explains that the textbook itself is able to give the students and the teacher about what should be taught or learned. Also, a textbook provides the description of the method that is going to be used by the teacher on the next to be taught materials. For the students, a textbook is an aid in learning a second language.
            Other researchers also sign about the side effects of the textbook, such as Swan (cited in Hutchinson and Torres in Widya 2006). He states about it as just a tool to loosen the teachers’ responsibilities in participating in daily decision about materials that will be given and the method that will be used in teaching the next given materials. The teacher can be easily ignoring their actual job by only sitting back behind the table and given the responsibility in teaching the students to the textbook. They just order their students to do the exercise. Or, the teachers are easily relaxing at their office and let the students and the textbooks run the system.
            Finocchiaro (cited in Widya, 2006) n writes that English curriculum programmed, from general English specified English is designed effectively and efficiently that enable the learners to meet completion at the end of the course. Or, the learners want to continue studying and in the purpose of self-learning. Even, it enables the learners to improve their skills and giving a specialization in any aspects of English based on the learners’ choice.
            Finnochiario (cited in Widya, 2006) in describe that, although each sides of English skills or its feature maybe practiced not in the same time. But it can also be practiced in real life situations. The four integrated skills are used together by the learners so that they can be aware of independency or the skills relationship in real life.
2.3  The Nature of  Textbook
            Textbooks are so many, and so varied, that it is very difficult to make accurate generalizations about them. According to Neville Grant (1992) that there are two very broad categories of textbooks. It is not always possible to place particular textbooks firmly within either of these categories, as there is a continuum from are categories to another. The two categories are traditional textbooks, and communicative textbook.
            Traditional textbook tries to get students to learn the language as a system. Once they have learned the system, it is hoped that they are then quipped to use the language for their own purposes in any way they think fit.
            Traditional textbooks have all or most of these characteristics:
1.      They tend to emphasize of the forms, or patterns, of language (the grammar) more than the communicative functions of language-the jobs, we do using it. For example, asking for information, making requests, apologizing, asking the way, etc.
2.      They tend to focus on reading and writing activities, rather than listening and speaking activities.
3.      They often make use of great deal of first language.
4.      They emphasize the important of accuracy.
5.      They tend to focus rather narrowly on a syllabus and examinations.
6.      They are often attractive to some teachers, because they seem easy to use, and are highly examination-orientated.
            And the communicative textbook tries to solve this program by creating opportunities for the students to use the language in classroom, as a sort of ‘halfway house’ before using in real life.
            Communicative textbooks vary quite a lot, but very broadly they have the following characteristic:
1.      They emphasize the communicative functions of language the job people do using the language - not just the forms.
2.      They try to reflect the students’ need and interest.
3.      They emphasize skills in using the language, not just the forms of the language, and they are therefore activity-based.
4.      They usually have a good balance among the four language skills, but many emphasize listening and speaking more than a traditional textbooks does.
5.      They tend to be very specific in their definition of aims.
6.      Both content and methods reflect the authentic language of everyday life.
7.      They encourage work in groups and pairs, and therefore make heavier demands on teachers’ organizational abilities.
8.      They emphasize fluency, not just accuracy.
            According to Tarigan and Tarigan (in Maini Hariati, 2006) there are 4 criteria used to classifying a textbook:
1.      Based on the subject in SD, SMP, SMU and SMK
2.      Based on the subject in the college
3.      Based on the writing of textbook
4.      Based on the writer’s number of textbook.
2.4  The Analysis of Textbook
            How necessary is a textbook? The answer to this question depends on the teachers’ own teaching style. The resources available to them, the accepted standards of teaching in every language school, etc.
            No textbook is perfect. Therefore, teachers should have the opinion of assigning supplementary material based on their own specific needs in their own specific teaching situation.
            As teacers, many of us have had at the responsibility of evaluating textbooks. Often, we have not been confident about what to base our judgment on, how to qualify our decisions, and how to report the result of our assessment, it seems to us that to date textbook selection has been made in haste and with a lack of systematically applied criteria.
            Two types of criteria are introduced in this scheme: internal criteria which are language-related and external criteria which give a broader view of the book. Under the pronunciation criterion, the presentation of pronunciation requires attention to: (1) completeness of presentation which refers to the coverage of the sounds and suprasegmentals, (2) appropriateness of presentation which concerns whether or not students are from a single language background, and (2) adequacy of practices which deals with both the quality and quantity of practice. By quality what is meant is practice in a context, i.e. sounds practiced in words, words in sentences, etc.
            Under grammar criterion, (a) adequacy of pattern inventory deals with how much of the structures should be presented and how well it is presented, (b) appropriate sequencing refers to the organization of presentation, that is to say, simple sentence patterns should come first, introduction of new structures must rest on already-mastered simpler patterns, etc, and (c) adequacy of drill and of practice refers to judgments about how readily students can discern a form and about how much practice is required to guarantee this adequacy.
            Twenty one years later, Penny Ur (1996, P. 186) in Ansary and Babaii offers another checklist with more or less a similar focus and approach to EFL/ESL textbook evaluation. A cursory look at its contents indicates that still O good’ pronunciation practice, O good grammar, presentation, grading and sequencing, culture and pedagogical concerns in presentation, vocabulary practice, topics being interesting to different learners, etc. are emphasized as “grounds on which one might criticize or reject a textbook” (P.184)
            Stradling (Nicholls in Widya, 2006) states there are some categories that should be investigated. Those categories should be considered in analyzing a textbook. The first one dealing with evaluation of a textbook content. The second one is identifying the textbook’s pedagogical values. The third one is identifying the intrinsic qualities in the history textbook. And the last one is dealing with the extrinsic factors that may impact on the textbook.
            Another addition is formed by Nicholls (in Widya, 2006) who argues that the addition of categories which evaluate the style form of a textbook is only the outside of the analysis about the information that is included or omitted  only to find out how the content of a textbook is present.
            The other researchers that have dealt with the materials analysis and evaluation are Hutchinson and Water (in Widya, 2006). They argued that the materials evaluation is done in order to seek the fitness of the specific purposes of language learning. For example, they argued hat the evaluation of a textbook or material given whether it is for the schools or course usage, will lead to a large spending in money in published course. Or even it will lead to a large spending of time in teacher produced or adapt materials. Even though, hey stated the end of the course or of the academic years will make consequences of having a bad choice. The careful evaluation and analysis on the material or the textbook will save the sense of guild and frustrations of giving the wrong choice to the students.
            This careful evaluation and analysis, they argued has to be done as objectively as possible if the teachers want to give their students the best choice of a textbook or material that they are going to use. Beside that, the best way to be taken by the teachers in analyzing and evaluating the textbook or the material is to be taken a deep look on the needs and solution separately. It means that the final purpose is the main consideration to be thought about by the teachers.
            It is still important to be able to evaluate the books you are using on some sensible, principled basis. This process of evaluation is the first step to wards deciding how a textbook should be most profitably used in your classroom and how it should be adapted.
            According to Neville Grant (1992: 118-121) there are thee stages of evaluation then are follows: (1) initial evaluation, (2) detailed evaluation, (3) in-use evaluation.
            There are three stages of evaluation in more detail:
1.      Initial evaluation
             Once way of finding out whether a book is worth looking at more closely is to apply the ‘CATALYST’ test. A textbook should act as a laboratory, it should facilitate change. For this reason, the CATALYST test is very appropriately named. The eight letters in the word CATALYST represent the eight criteria by which we can decide whether a  textbook is suitable for our classroom.
             The words in the mnemonic represent the key question we should ask ourselves:
1)      Communicative? Is the textbook communicative? Will the student to be able to use the language to communicate the result of using the book? Many teachers regard this as a fundamental question.
2)      Aims? Does it fit in with aims and objectives? These may be laid down by the authorities, or devised by ourselves.
3)      Teachable? Does the course seem teachable? Does it seem reasonably easy to use, well-organized, and easy to find your way around?
4)      Available add-ons? Are there only useful ‘add-ons’ – additional materials as teachers’ book, tapes, workbooks, etc? if so, are they available?
5)      Level? Does the level seem about right?
6)      Your impression? What is your overall impression of the course?
7)      Students’ interest? What is your student likely to find the book interesting?
8)      Tried and tested? Has the course been tried and tested in real classroom? Where? By whom? What were the results? How do you know?
2.      Detailed evaluation
             Once we have applied the CATALYST test, and decided that a textbook will do, we then have do decide how well it will do, and whether it is more, or less, suitable then other textbooks that are available. Of course, it would be ideal to try the course out. This is what many language schools do. After piloting a new course for a term or so, they then decide whether to adopt it or not. If we evaluate more than one textbook and decide one of them.
             Three conditions mentioned in detailed evaluation are:
1)      Does the course suit the students?
2)      Does it suit the teacher?
3)      Does it suit the syllabus?
3.      In-Use evaluation
             Once we have adopted a textbook, it is of course necessary to re-evaluation it constantly. No questionnaire, however elaborate, can give a conclusive answer to the final test: does it work in the classroom? This evaluation process should be continuous, even in situations where you do not plan, for financial or other reasons, to replace the textbook for some time.
             The other textbooks evaluation can we find in Jeremy Harmer (1998) there are nine main areas which teachers will want to consider in the books which they are looking at.
             Teacher should try to follow this 4-stage procedure.
Analysis                       :  the teacher can look through the various books on offer, analyzing each for answers to the question. It helps to have a chart to write down the answers for this so that the information is clearly displayed.
Piloting                        :  By far the best way to find a book’s strengths and weaknesses is to try it our with a class, seeing which lesson work and which don’t. if teachers are teaching more than one group at the same level, they may want to teach two different books to compare them.
Consultation                :  Before choosing a book, teachers should try and find out if any of their colleagues have used the book before and how well they got on with it. Through discussion, they can get an idea about whether or not the book is likely to be right for them.
Gathering opinions      :  Anyone who might have an opinion on the book is worth speaking to, from the publisher and bookshop owners, to colleagues and friends. It is also a good idea to let students look through the book and see how they react to sight of it, if they express a preference which you agree with, they are likely to be more committed to the textbook.
             Furthermore, Celce-Murcia (in Maini Hariati, 2006) that several guidance point to analysis a textbook are as follows:
1)      Bibliographical data
-          Title
-          Level of proficiency
-          Author (s)
-          Publisher
-          Data publication
-          Numbers of volumes
-          Number of pages
-          Price of textbook
-          Self-contained or part of series
-          The professional qualification of the authors
2)      Aims and Goals
-          Aims and goals
-          Distribution of emphasis among the language skills
-          How much material is covered
-          Distribution of new teaching point evenly dispersed through out the text
-          The text intends teacher or learners
3)      Topic and context of subject cover the theme of interest, situation of necessity and linguistics’ need
-          The conceptual level (concrete vs. abstract)
-          How are the units and lessons organized.
-          Is the culture integrated in the text dialog and exercise and is it treads as supplemental or optimal material.
2.5  The Characteristics of Good Textbook
            According to Jeremy Harmer (1998) states that students often feel more positive about textbooks than some teachers. For them, the textbook is reassuring, it allows them to look forward and back, giving them a chance to prepare for what’s coming and reviews what they have done. Now that books tent to be much more colorful then in the old days, students enjoy looking at the visual material in front of them.
            For teacher too, textbooks have many advantages. In the first place, they have a consistent syllabus and vocabulary will have been chosen with care. Good textbooks, for example, to back them up. They have dependable teaching sequences and, at the very least, they offer teachers something to fall back on when they run out of ideas of their own.
            As stated previously that textbook plays the crucial role, especially it is adopted as main aid in teaching learning process which also depends upon individuals, their need and their relationship in classroom.
            Teacher plays a principle role, especially in teaching learning process his/her responsibility is not only limited as a teacher, controller, motivator, but as facilitator of learning. It means that teacher gives easiness to the student inactive learning. The activities can be done in many forms, like: choosing the available resources and the instrument of learning like textbook which is needed by the students.
            Tarigan and Tarigan (in Maini Hariati, 2006) stated that a good textbook has to fulfill ten criteria as follows:
1.      Textbook has to interest student motivation. Good textbook can make interest students motivations, so automatically the students want to learn. If the students automatically want to learn by themselves, it can easier for them to understand the subject.
2.      Textbook has to make interest illustration. Good textbook can make interest illustrations, in the students’ opinion textbook it means study, so if in the textbook there are interest illustration that can make change the students’ opinion.
3.      Textbook should be related to other subjects. Good textbook is related to other subject for example textbook for vocational school the textbook that they used related to other subject.
4.      Textbook should be able to stimulate personal activities of student. Good textbook can able to stimulate personal activities of students. Every student has their own interest so good textbook should be able to stimulate personal activities of students.
5.      Textbook motivate the students who use it. Good textbook can motivate the students who use it.
6.      Textbook should be considered linguistics aspect which appropriate with the students’ level. Good textbook should be considered linguistic aspect appropriate with the students’ level; with appropriate the students’ level can make easier for the student it selves.
7.      Textbook has to aware and firm   or clear to avoid students’ confusion about vague concept. Good textbook has to aware and firm to avoid students’ confusion about vague concept, of course if there is vague concept it can make confuse the students. So good textbook should avoid a vague concept.
8.      Textbook has to have clear point of view. Good textbook has to have clear point of view, this is not also for the students but also for the teachers. Textbook is like guiding for teacher and students.
9.      Textbook has to be able to give emphasizing on the value of students’ age (children value or adult value). Good textbook has able to give emphasizing on the value of students’ age because at that age students easier to imitate what the students get it, so with focusing on the value of students’ age good textbook can give good examples.
10.  Textbook has to appreciate individual differences of students. Good textbook has to appreciate individual differences of students because each student came from different background, culture and level so good textbook can covered all the students’ differences.

2.6  Relevant Study
            In this part, the writer states the relevant research which is possible in adding the readers’ view on the textbook used. In this instance, actually the writer never found out or listened about the same research on the textbooks used. However, the writer found one research that is relevant with the recent study, that was done by Widya (2006).
            There is no teaching learning situation is complete until it has its relevant textbook. It means that the textbook itself is created right just before the curriculum, or the curriculum creates the textbook, which is relevant. Even most of time, textbook and the curriculum are created in the quite same time. It is because that the curriculum and the textbook are integrated and as a range of system in teaching and learning.
            The textbook itself helps the teachers to teach their students systematically. Grant (in Widya 2006) explain that, most of general English teachers find some difficulties in teaching material without a textbook. For teachers, a textbook is needed. It is may be a different thing for ESP classroom that needs of the learners. But if there are teachers that do not need a textbook, they probably have plenty of time to prepare the material or they are genius people.
2.7  Theoretical Framework
            Textbook used is the most important is teaching learning process. Learning without textbook is empty action an active process to get the information from the book. Therefore, the teacher should have purpose of textbook used in teaching learning process in classroom. In textbook used the students can apply some techniques and strategies which are matching with the target of learning with used textbook because without book is not easy activity, in order they can understand in teaching learning process.
            The textbooks are used for the first year students of SMPN 1 Sakra Timur and the first year students of MTs. NW Menceh, there are differences and similarities from one another. In this case, the teachers are needed to prepare themselves as part of the system. The teacher needs to prepare themselves as a facilitator and mediator. Teachers need to be creative to make interesting material so the students can be interested.

            In this chapter, the writer discusses about research design, research object, sampling technique, research instrument and data analysis.
3.1  Research Design
            In this research, the writer used comparative method, which method that used to compare two or more variables or events. Comparative research will find the similarities or the differences of something, people, procedure of work, ideas… (Arikunto, 1998: 247).
3.2  Research Object
            The object of this research is the textbook used for the first year students at SMPN 1 Sakra Timur and for those at MTs. NW Menceh academic year of 2008/2009.
3.3  Sampling Technique
            Populations of the study are the textbooks used for the first year students of SMPN 1 Sakra Timur and MTs. NW Menceh academic year 2008/2009. For this reason, the technique of sampling is purposive (sampling).

3.4  Data Collection Procedure
            In order to obtain data needed in this research, the writer uses the following methods:
1.      Interview
Interview is a method, which is used to gain the data by making face-to-face communication. In relation to this, it is said that interview is method to gain the data by oral question.
2.      Questionnaire
Questionnaire is established for English teacher to gather the data about choosing a good textbook. The questionnaire used in this research, consisted of closed-ended and open-ended questions.
3.      Secondary resources
Secondary resources are the method to seek the data such as notes, transcripts, book, magazines, etc.
3.5  Data Analysis
            In analyzing the data, the writer investigated the textbook. According to Strading (2001) in Nicholls (2006) there are 4 steps to follow, namely:
1.      The writer identified the textbooks for the first year students used by the students of SMPN 1 Sakra Timur and MTs. NW Menceh.
2.      The writer compared the textbooks in order to find out the similarities or the differences between them. If the textbooks are different one from another the writer identified what their difference are.
3.      In this step the writer analyzed the textbooks. The writer Neville Grant evaluation. There are three stages of evaluation, they are as follows:
a.       Initial evaluation
In this evaluation the writer used CATALYST test. This test has been explained in the review of related literature. The writer used CATALYST test to identify whether or not the textbooks used in the classroom are suitable. In this evaluation the writer gave questionnaire to the teacher, following the procedure on CATALYST test.
b.      Detailed evaluation
In this evaluation, the writer will use questionnaire to find out the answer of the following questions:
1)      Does the course suit their students?
2)      Does it suit teacher?
3)      Does it suit the syllabus?
c.       In-use evaluation
In this evaluation the writer interviewed the teacher to support the information above and to evaluate whether or not the textbooks work in classroom.
4.      At least the writer analyzed the textbooks used in both schools in terms of their relevance the students’ needs and curriculum expectation.

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